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Fit Guide

The Perfect Fit
in 7 Steps

Perfect Fi

Follow our 7-step fit guide to learn about the essential elements of how a suit should fit. Find your own perfect fit with these timeless standards.

The Perfect Jacket Fit


Collar & Back

Smooth drape

Jackets alterations


Correct fit

A correct fit will have the jacket collar resting naturally against the shirt collar, with neither significant pressure nor gaps between the layers.

Too tight

Jackets alterations

too tightToo tight

Too tight

It will lay unconfortable against the neck while creating tension along the upper back.

Too loose

Jackets alterations

too looseToo loose

What to avoid

A too tight or too loose fit will result in a messy and creasy look around the neck and between the shoulders.

Too loose

There will be wide spacing between collars and excessive, bulging fabric in the back.

The Shoulders

No overhang

Jackets alterations


Correct fit

The jacket’s shoulder should rest snugly along your shoulder's natural form with no overhang. If it fits well here, you’ll know the jacket is the correct base size.

Too tight

Jackets alterations

too tightToo tight

Too tight

A fit that's too tight around the shoulder will stretch the fabric, create creasing & restrict movement.

Too loose

Jackets alterations

too looseToo loose

What to avoid

When the shoulders of a suit are too loose, you'll get a divot on the arm towards the back of the sleeve head.

Too loose

Too loose a fit, and you'll get excessive fabric & a shoulder seam falling below the shoulder.

The Waist

Correct form

Jackets alterations


Correct fit

To avoid a boxy, misshapen look, the jacket should taper in just slightly at the waist. This will help to create a clean, defined silhouette.

Too tight

Jackets alterations

Too tight

Too tight

If it’s feeling too tight, consider sizing up before bringing it to our in-store tailors.

Too loose

Jackets alterations

Too loose

What to avoid

A wrong fit will lose a defined silhouette. Too loose a fit can be easily altered in-store. When the fit is too tight, then consider picking a larger size jacket.

Too loose

A wrong fit will lose definition. Too loose a fit can be easily altered in-store.

Jacket Length

Correct length

Jackets alterations


Correct fit

Whatever your preferred style, the golden rule of length still applies when it comes to a proper, balanced fit: your jacket’s hem should only just cover your bottom.

Too short

Jackets alterations

too shortToo short

Too short

If the hem of the jacket is sitting above your rear, it's far too short.

Too long

Jackets alterations

too longToo long

What to avoid

If the hem of the jacket is sitting on top of the butt, it's too short. If it falls past the bottom entirely, longer than the arms, it's too long.

Too long

If it falls significantly past your bottom entirely, it will look oversized and baggy.

Sleeve Length

Perfect length

Jackets alterations


Correct fit

Your jacket sleeves should reach just slightly above where your thumb bone meets your wrist, leaving half an inch (1.5cm) of your shirt sleeve visible for a proper aesthetic.

Too short

Jackets alterations

Too short

Too short

When too much of the shirt is visible, your jacket sleeve should be altered to the proper length.

Too long

Jackets alterations

Too long

What to avoid

When too much or nothing of the shirt is visible at all, the length of you jacker sleeve should be altered to fit perfectly.

Too long

When none of the shirt is visible at all, consider a smaller jacket size before making alterations.

The Perfect Trouser Fit


Trouser Seat

Correct form

Trousers alterations


Correct fit

The back of your trousers should be a smooth drape over the shape of your rear end.

Too tight

Trousers alterations

Too tight

Too tight

If it is too tight, the fit will create horizontal wrinkles just under your rear.

Too loose

Trousers alterations

Too loose

What to avoid

Horizontal wrinkles just under the buttocks, or by loose, U-shaped sags on the backs of the thighs.

Too loose

Trousers that are too loose will create excessive sagging along the rear & thighs.

Trouser Length

Perfect length

Trousers alterations


Correct fit

For a classic style, your trousers should have only one break at the hem. Or, take them to just the top of the shoe, without a break, for a more modern look.

Too short

Trousers alterations

Too short

Too short

Too short, and the whole ankle becomes visible, looking unprofessional & mis-tailored.

Too long

Trousers alterations

Too long

What to avoid

A wrong trouser length fit will result in a creasy hem or when it too short, the whole ankle becomes visible.

Too long

Too long of a trouser length will result in a messy, oversized hem with baggy folds.

Worn with Boots

Perfect length

Trousers alterations


Correct fit

When styling a trouser with boots, the hem should have only one break. Or take them to the top of the shoe, without a break for a more modern look.

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